Home LifestyleHealth & BeautyHaircare How to Apply Hair Oil the Right Way for Effective Results?

How to Apply Hair Oil the Right Way for Effective Results?

by Hareem Zafar
Source NDTV

Tired of dull, damaged, brittle hair? We all are! Constant weather changes, rising levels of stress, an excessively busy routine with zero time for self-care, unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits, there are numerous things that we do on a daily basis that add to our hair damage, drastically.

Over washing the hair, brushing them vigorously or letting them go dry for too long- our hair does undergo a lot of trauma as a result. What comes to our rescue then, however, is ‘Hair Oiling‘!

There is no better cure for dehydrated hair then simply oiling your hair and scalp, once a week, to regain the lost nourishment and strength! Hair oils have been used for generations to stimulate hair growth and treat a number of hair problems. But are you oiling your hair the right way?

Here are 5 simple and easy steps to oil your hair the right way, and get healthy, lustrous long locks.

Step 1: Select The Right Oil for Your Hair & Scalp

It’s important to use the correct oil for your hair type! Carrier oils can be used alone or be mixed with other oils. Coconut oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, almond oil are a few examples. How to know which hair oil suits your hair type? If you and have an oily or greasy scalp, you must use lighter oils such as coconut, jojobaba etc. However, if your scalp is dry. you must used heavier oils for hydration and moisture- such as castor oil and olive oil among others. 

Tip for hair growth and strength:  Mix castor oil and coconut oil in equal ratio in a bottle and add four Vitamin E capsules’ gel/oil to the mixture. Let the mixture sit in a bottle overnight and apply, indefinitely. Use this twice a week and witness the magic right before your eyes. Castor Oil helps with hair thinning while coconut oil helps helps make your hair thick and luscious.

Note: You must conduct a patch-test before applying any oil to your scalp in order to prevent any allergic reactions.

Step 2: Use Warm Oil

Before applying, heat the oil for a few seconds until it becomes lukewarm. Applying warm oil to your hair leads to a more soothing and effective massage since the oil seeps deeper through your hair cuticles and scalp.

Step 3: Massage Your Scalp in Circular Motion 

Use a light, gentle hand and massage the oil thoroughly for a few minutes, in circular motion. During massage, try to work your way all over the scalp for a good 15 to 20 minutes. Once the scalp is covered, move towards the end and tips of your hair. Make sure you’re gentle and not vigorous with your hair, as that can lead to breakage.

If it helps, try to part your hair in smaller portions for full coverage. Make sure NOT to comb your hair right after the as the hair is vulnerable and hence, can break easily.

Scalp massages relieve stress and improve blood circulation to hair roots, cuticles and follicles, promoting faster hair growth. 

Step 4: Wrap A Warm Cloth Around Your Hair

Tie your hair into a light, low bun and without combing, wrap a warm cloth around your hair. This will help open up pores and let the oil seep in well into the scalp and roots.

DO NOT tie your hair up in a tight pony tail or bun, to prevent breakage. 

Step 5: Rinse It Off Well

After you are done applying, wash your hair after a few hours. Make sure to rinse your hair thoroughly with normal water. Neither too hot, not too cold. Extreme temperatures can damage hair immediately after massage. Make sure to dry it well after.

Do Not let the oil sit in your hair for too long, and Do Not apply too much oil either. Less is more, when it comes to oiling your hair the right way!

Here is a video guide to a quick, soothing Hair Oil Massage:

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