Home EntertainmentCelebrities Hira Compares Mani to 6 Bollywood Celebrities

Hira Compares Mani to 6 Bollywood Celebrities

by Ayesal A
  • Hira Mani expressed her deep affection for her husband in a recent Insta story, comparing him to Bollywood icons in various ways.
  • She previously gained attention for her statement about being a flirtatious person and possibly marrying multiple times if she hadn’t met her husband, Mani.
  • Despite social media reactions, Hira Mani continues to openly express her love for her husband, as she had done in 2021 when she stated that she would have married him even if he had been married to someone else.

They say that love is blind, probably deaf and dumb for many. When you have butterflies in your stomach, you imagine your partner in everyone, and that’s precisely what is happening to Pakistani actor Hira Mani.

According to one of her most recent Insta stories, Hira Mani shares that her hubby has traits of different Bollywood icons, including Hrithik Roshan’s body, Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Adayian’, Boddy Deol’s hair, Salman Khan’s commitment, Akshay Kumar’s manliness, and Amir Khan’s cuteness.

Though the post is no longer visible, thanks to the power of social media, it has been going viral.

Hira Mani

Before this story, Hira Mani started to trend on social for an exciting statement she had made, claiming that if she had not met her better half, she’d be married 5-6 times because she is a very ‘Dil Phenk’ person which means the floor is probably too the slippery for her and she keeps falling, into other people’s arms that is.

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“If I had not married Mani, then I would have been married 5-6 times by now. I am a very flirtatious person by nature. When I found Mani, I married him because it was my choice. If I hadn’t found him then I liked a lot of boys…I f hadn’t been Mani’s wife then I would have been married several times.”

On one hand, it’s great to know despite many years of marriage, Hira’s feelings for Mani are those of a grade-school child who experiences their first crush. On the other, social media thinks she has lost her marbles.

Social Media Reactions to Hira Mani’s Insta Story


This isn’t the first occasion on which the actress openly expressed her deep affection for her husband. In 2021, Hira disclosed to a media outlet that even if Mani had been wed to someone else, she would have chosen to marry him.

Reflecting on the widely-discussed incident where she admitted to surreptitiously obtaining Mani’s contact details from her friend and messaging him without her friend’s knowledge, the ‘Yakeen Ka Safar’ actress affirmed that she harbours no remorse.

“People may critique me for having acquired Mani’s contact details from my friend’s phone and for initiating contact with him covertly, but the fact remains that I hold no regrets. People are entitled to their opinions. Even if Mani had been married to another person, I would have married him without hesitation.”

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