A random click by a roaming photographer/journalist in Srinagar has garnered media attention even outside of Kashmir and has brightened up the cyberspace of Kashmir itself. It’s refreshing to see the picture showing “daughters’ instead of ‘sons’on the business’s glazing billboard in the heart of the city, Maisuma Srinagar.
The shot was clicked by Raihana Maqbool in Kokar Bazaar, Maisuma, the busy centre ruled by old traders of the valley. The Bazaar stands parallel to Lal Chowk, the city centre.

It’s a welcome change to notice, what once used to be ‘Farooq & sons’ is now replaced with powerful sign that reads ‘Javed Sheikh & daughters’ in all it’s glory.
It’s this kind of progressive thinking that we need fathers of our country to incorporate as well. Why does it always have to be the son managing your business after you? Why not your equally smart, talented, intelligent daughters?
As the photo was posted online, it received a warm reception with people saluting and paying respect to the father who Kashmiri daughters their ‘long overdue’ rights.
It’s empowering to witness that ‘women empowerment’ is gradually becoming a way of life rather than just a global belief.
A similar local example is that of Hamnoor Footcare & Footwear at Zamaza. The sign at the Zamzama branch reads Hamnoor & Daughters Foot Care & Foot Wear.
See the picture of their billboard sign below:
Hamnoor Foot services have been providing physical therapy, pedicure, and foot comfort services since a long time now with branches at Saddar, Tipu Sulta, Shahbaz and Zamzama.
It is interesting and empowering to see fathers finally giving their daughters their deserving rights! But this is still at a very small scale in Pakistan. This has to be made more common.
Maybe our generation and the next will think differently? If girls are studying in the same universities and colleges, getting the same degrees and acing at work alongside managing household, can’t they manage a family business that their parents left as legacy?
Ever wondered why fathers are willing to invest more in their sons than daughters? research studies show that fathers have more common ground with sons than daughters- they share similar activities and bond on a more masculine level. They believe daughters are fragile and will have someone to look after them later on (when they are married) while sons will have to manage household and families all by themselves.
But what they don’t think about is ‘what happens when your daughter’s husband gets fired from his job?or his business doesn’t do so well?’ Or ‘she gets divorced’ or worse- ‘what if she is widowed’? She is left at the mercy of her in-laws or her family members with children to support and no source of income.
A daughter should never be a burden on anyone! Which is why it’s important to empower your girl child and give her equal amounts of share in family businesses/ property so that when she is met with an unforeseen situation in life, she is financially independent and confident to lead her life, her way.
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