Home Lifestyle Why Vaping Is Harmful – Facts & Health Risks

Why Vaping Is Harmful – Facts & Health Risks

by Anum Zafar
Vaping Bad Heart Health

Vaping is considered less injurious to health than smoking. However, it is not a safe option and can cause serious withdrawal symptoms. 

If you vape, be it Nicotine or anything else, switching to e-cigarettes instantly increases health risks and side effects.

The best option for health reasons is to quit smoking as well as vaping altogether – according to the American Cancer Society.

Here are some of the health risks and facts in regards to vaping

Vaping Effects Your Heart & Lungs

Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Products | Electronic Cigarettes | Smoking & Tobacco Use | CDC

There is an intense link between cardiovascular disease and smoking as well as between lung cancer and vaping. The sooner you realize its effects and quit, the sooner your body can start repairing itself. There’s a lot of debate about vaping not causing any health risks at all and thousands of chain smokers find vaping an easy escape to denial.

Vaping Effects Your Gums & Teeth

Is Vaping Good or Bad For Your Teeth? - vaping.com blog

Vaping has numerous effects on your oral health.  It is associated with gum inflammation which is a known factor in periodontal diseases.  Switching from conventional cigarettes to e-cigarettes aerosol makes it easy for teeth to develop bacteria and increases risk of cavities and other oral diseases.

Moreover, report from 2018 by NAP stated there’s some proof that nicotine-free e-cigarrettes as well as nicotine can damage oral tissues and cells even for people who don’t smoke cigarettes and vape instead.

Other Health Risks That Come With Vaping

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Another report by NAP in 2018 came across evidence that vaping causes damage to DNA, cell dysfunction and oxidative stress. There has been a few researches as to whether cancer can develop in long term if you continue vaping since the chances seem pretty high quite similar to smoking.

It has also been reported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that using nicotine to vape can affect development of brain permanently in youngers – mostly under the age of 25.

Effects Of Vaping Marijuana Instead Of Nicotine

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If you think vaping marijuana is safe – then you must educate yourself and know its side effects which are impaired memory, nausea and vomiting, impaired coordination and increased heart rate.

Marijuana consists of  chemical like flavoring agents or base liquids. They may cause side effects which are similar to  nicotine-free e-cigarettes.

Electronic Cigarettes Are Equally Addictive As Conventional Cigarettes

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According to researches, nicotine is as addictive as cocaine or heroin. Electronic cigarettes are much worse than traditional ones if we’re discussing addiction – you can get more nicotine than usual from a tobacco product and you can purchase extra cartridges which tend to have a higher concentration of nicotine and you can increase an electronic cigarettes voltage or a more intense hit.

Unfortunately, so many people still believe vaping is safe but once you get to the root of it – it’s actually much worse than smoking.

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