Home EntertainmentCelebrities Resurrection Ertugrul Drama: Inspirational Quotes That Teach Valuable Life Lessons

Resurrection Ertugrul Drama: Inspirational Quotes That Teach Valuable Life Lessons

by Hareem Zafar
ertugrul lead image

Resurrection Ertugrul or better known as Ertugrul Ghazi in Pakistan- has been making waves on Pakistani media ever since the Urdu dubbed version was aired on PTV in Ramazan. Ruling the hearts of millions of Pakistanis, the show has garnered immense success and praise, threatening the popularity of Pakistani dramas.

The internationally acclaimed drama, which is also available on Netflix, was broadcast in 146 countries and has been dubbed in over 60 languages. Topping the popularity charts, the serial has broken viewership records for PTV. The show had been trending no.1 on YouTube all Ramazan.

Ertugrul is a drama about unwavering faith and courage. It is a story about persistence, patience, immense faith in God and holding true to your honor. With a gripping storyline and and refreshing perspective towards Islam, the drama and its characters have made a special in people’s hearts.

Here are a few inspirational quotes from Dirillis Ertugrul that will tug at your heartstrings and strengthen your faith. 

Ertugrul was an honorable man! This quote teaches us to be truthful in our words and honorable in our promises. Betrayal is not easily forgotten.

Always stay on the right path, the path of God. As long as we don’t go astray from this path, we can never lose.

Teaches us to be brave and courageous in face of adversity. To not bow down in front of the enemy and to seek mercy only from the Almighty.

Lesson about Unity and Togetherness

Hayme Hatun, Ertugrul’s mother was a woman of strong character. She guided her sons and their tribe to always follow the right path and stay united in their mission against the enemy. Because without unity, the enemy can easily break us.

One of the biggest signs of a good leader is a big, forgiving heart

Some wise words by Ibne-Arabi, the Andalusian scholar who kept guiding Ertugrul in his fight for justice

Ibne Arabi teaches a lesson about endurance and perseverance; citing an example of the Holy Prophet.

And here again, he talks about pain being the only thing that softens hearts

Here, Ibne – Arabi speaks about worldly desires; how it’s  an unquenchable thirst that keeps us attached to this temporary world

It is only when we leave the desires of this world that our hearts can truly connect with God, the creator of both the worlds.

Words of Wisdom: teaching us to look for the good even in the worst of situations and never lose hope

Which one of these quotes is your favourite? Let us know in the comments below.

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