Home LifestyleFashion Khaadi Unfolds #HamarayRangonKiKahani as Independence Day 2020 Campaign

Khaadi Unfolds #HamarayRangonKiKahani as Independence Day 2020 Campaign

by Hareem Zafar

Khaadi has become a household name and has come a long way since it was first launched as a clothing brand. The strong association that the brand has created with its consumers has become synonymous with Pakistan’s culture and taste;  and I am sure Khaadi lovers can totally relate.

As times are tough because the world battles a pandemic, Khaadi decided to launch a beautiful campaign on hope this year on Independence day, titled #HamarayRungonkikahani.

A beautiful narration of a world full of colors, the campaign highlights inclusivity, hope, happiness, and dreams that bind all of us together.

Khaadi makes us realize the significance of what binds and unites Pakistanis as a nation. And releasing around independence day, in a time when people need motivation and moral boosting, this campaign is bound to awake the patriot in you.

The video makes us dream of a better tomorrow, inspires us to be courageous in face of adversity and stand all as a nation.

The story of Pakistan is the story of inclusivity- of colors, hopes and dreams. There are all kinds of people, from different ethnicity, cultures residing in Pakistan but what unifies us is the love for our country and the spirit of patriotism.

Watch the whole video below;


The 1 minute video inculcates a CAN-DO and NEVER GIVE UP spirit that lies within every Pakistani soul. We can overcome any obstacle as long as we keep going.

The whole idea of #HumarayRangonkekahani is spun around the notion of acceptance of diverse cultures – the story of our own individual colors, weaved into one.

Here are a few other campaigns created and spun around the notion of oneness as a nation, patrotism and unity- the force that binds us Pakistanis together.

Sooper Hai Pakistan

Sooper Hai Pakistan campaign was released in April-May 2020, around the concept of COVID-19 to inculcate hope and motivation in people and that we as ‘one nation CAN fight this virus’

As we begin living life in a new normal, remember that we must play our individual part for the national good. Let’s be responsible for the whole nation and unite against Covid-19.

Tapal Hamari Nationali Tea

If there is one thread that binds us unequivocally as a nation, if there is one ritual that truly symbolizes ‘unity in diversity’, it is our love of TEA – this is what the ‘Tapal Hamari Nationali Tea’ is all about, emphasizing that Tapal is every Pakistani’s nationality. 

Here is to hoping that this Independence Day we are able to embrace all the different colors that make us a one beautiful nation.

Happy independence Day, Pakistan!

What do you think of Khaadi’s unique storytelling idea? Let us know in the comments below:

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