Home Business Insights for Brands: Top 4 Pakistani Trends In Light of COVID-19

Insights for Brands: Top 4 Pakistani Trends In Light of COVID-19

by Hareem Zafar
Insights for brands 1300x866 1

We are living in the hyper communication era. Services that were previously restricted to a few people are now accessible by everyone and information about anything is available with one tap on the screen.

Today smartphones, laptops and iPads paired with a good connection of internet is a person’s best friend. They are travel agents, shopping guides, food guides, and primary source of entertainment.

During times like these, marketers are facing challenges of understanding exactly what it is that matters most to the consumer and how to make it available to them. They need to be present for the consumer at the right place, right time with correct information.

Google has released its latest report, ‘What is Pakistan Searching for’, offering latest insights for brand and marketers to help them understand the consumer better and what it is exactly that the consumer needs during this time when the world is battling coronavirus.

Based on search results and analytics, Google has studied and reported top four Pakistani Trends for marketers and brands. Let’s have a look at each.

What is Pakistan searching For: Top Four Pakistani Trends

  1. Sophisticated consumer

As Google Trends Data reports, the size of Pakistan’s e-commerce market in 2020 is $1 billion. According to the report, 81% of Pakistani consumers research products online before purchasing while 80% of them switch between video and search when researching a product. Moreover, 55% of the Pakistanis research before buying a product on Google and then use YouTube for more information.

Source: Google Trends Data, Pakistan (Jan-Feb 2020 vs Mar-Apr 2020)

A growing new trend is Pakistanis seeking quick access to products and services. They want quality products with maximum convenience on digital platforms. Near- me and same-day shipping searches have risen too. Consumers look for retail options nearby or prefer products that offer same delivery options.

There has been a 138% growth in “near me” searches and 1.5x increase in “same day delivery” queries.

Speed and convenience are essential for consumers online.  According to Googles Trends Data, 76% of all consumers are likely to purchase from sites that make purchase or finding answers easy.

Source: Google Trends Data, Pakistan (Jan-Feb 2020 vs Mar-Apr 2020)

One of the important impacts of COVID is how more and more consumers are now turning to online delivery services and near home outlets to fulfil their essential needs.

2. Sustainability

Pakistanis are constantly looking for information relating to environmental issues as they try to change the way they live and shop. This has allowed many of them too seek more green, eco-friendly practices for day-to-day living.

Searches and seeking information relating to NGOs, pollution index, how to reduce plastic consumption have been some of the popular searches.

Recently, considering the pandemic outbreak, searches have now shifted to impact of reduced human activity on the environment.

Source: Google Trends Data, Pakistan (Jan-Feb 2020 vs Mar-Apr 2020)

3. Digital Video Boom

Video-sharing and streaming platforms are very popular amongst Pakistani consumers. In order to acquire the regular fix of entertainment, news, and information, YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and TikTok are most commonly consumed in this growing landscape.

YouTube is the favourite video destination in Pakistan- as the Google Trends Data report states, 73% of all connected Pakistanis use YouTube every month while 78% of all YouTube users in Pakistan agree that the platform is their first stop when looking for videos. 

Source: Google Trends Data, Pakistan (Jan-Feb 2020 vs Mar-Apr 2020)

A growing interest has been shown in video on demand and subscription services. There has been an 82% growth in “netflix” searches and 111% rise in “amazon prime”.

4. Healthy Lifestyle

Despite belonging to a culture where food is the ultimate definition of love, Pakistanis have become more conscious of the significance of what they put inside their bodies. Increasing number of searches have been done regarding alternate diets and meal plans curated to improve overall well-being.

According to a Euromonitor study, Pakistan is the 2nd-fastest growing vegetarian country in the world. It is good to see that Pakistanis have become aware of the significance of both micro and macro nutrients in their diets.

Source: Google Trends Data, Pakistan (Jan-Feb 2020 vs Mar-Apr 2020)

Source: Google Trends Data, Pakistan (Jan-Feb 2020 vs Mar-Apr 2020)

As the coronavirus outbreak has upended daily life, rise in searches relating to mental well-being have been noted.

Source: Google Trends Data, Pakistan (Jan-Feb 2020 vs Mar-Apr 2020)

Lockdowns and quarantine has led to a rise in stress and anxiety issues leading to many Pakistanis seeking out self-care and mental health solutions, beyond merely physical exercise.

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