Home Beauty Cosmo Breaks the Shackles of Social Conditioning that has Taught us that Flat Tummies Are the Only Acceptable Kind

Cosmo Breaks the Shackles of Social Conditioning that has Taught us that Flat Tummies Are the Only Acceptable Kind

by Sahrish Shakeel
WhatsApp Image 2021 12 15 at 12.00.26 PM

The dialogue around unrealistic and popular beauty standards has been increasing around the globe. As a result, we see the fashion and entertainment magazine for women, Cosmopolitan changing its course.

Cosmo India invited 12 fabulous women to bear their tummies to celebrate all kinds of tummies. The magazines cover displayed powerful images of women posing with their bear tummies, with a powerful message, “All tummies are are good tummies”. In this day and age of social media, we witness unrealistic perfection, which is forever aspired. Cosmo reminds us how essential it is to celebrate our unique bodies at such a time.

The Editor of Cosmopolitan India, Nandini Bhalla, emphasizes the importance of embracing our tummies/bodies. She said in an Instagram post, “Ah, the tummy. Recently voted the most hated body part by women. Hidden under layers unless it is flat enough. Not taken to the beach unless it is decorated with abs. Deprived of carbs, fed salads stared at with disgust.”

“Our tummies—poor things—are deemed too ‘curvy’, too ‘paunchy’, too ‘full’, too ‘bulging’, too ‘boyish’…because social conditioning has taught us that flat tummies are the only acceptable kind and the ultimate sign of fitness (untrue).”

“And so, Cosmo invited 12 fabulous women to bare their tummies. To remind us what real stomachs look like. To remind us that our stomachs are to be celebrated, no matter their shape. To remind us that everybody is a bikini body, dammit! And to remind us, without a doubt, that all tummies truly are good tummies,” she added.

It is fascinating to see how these women are picked. All 12 are diverse in their way. You would expect only big-bodied women with big tummies. However, that’s not the case. We see all kinds of tummies/bodies that need to be embraced regardless of their shape, size, and appearance.

Makeup Mogul Huda Kattan Has Had Enough of Following Toxic Beauty Standards. Read the full story here:

Makeup mogul Huda Kattan calls out the beauty industry for its unreal beauty standards. Kattan has been transparent about her fillers and all other kinds of alterations she has made to look a certain way. Now she wants to be transparent about her extreme photoshopped pictures and everyone else’s in the industry. This is because over-edited images on social media set unreal standards for women of different shapes and sizes.

Makeup Mogul Huda Kattan Has Had Enough of Following Toxic Beauty Standards

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