Home LifestyleFamily Contraceptive Pill for Men Found to be 99% Effective in Preventing Pregnancy: Important Development

Contraceptive Pill for Men Found to be 99% Effective in Preventing Pregnancy: Important Development

by Laiba
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In a breakthrough development, a contraceptive pill for males has been found to be 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

A new contraceptive pill for males has been found to be 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when tested in mice. This development can balance out the contraceptive burden between males and females.

Earlier on, there were far fewer options available to men. Whole several pills, patches, and intrauterine devices are available for women, for men, only single-use condoms and largely irreversible vasectomies were the only options. Given the latest invention of this new medication, men will finally have another option that will prove to be helpful.

Scientists have presented their findings at the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society and have announced the invention of a new non-hormonal male contraceptive pill that effectively prevents pregnancy in mice without any side effects.

All birth control methods used by women to prevent unwanted pregnancy are not completely free of side effects. As per medical news today’s article: “10 most common birth control pill side effects”, the following are a few:

  • bleeding between periods
  • nausea and vomiting
  • breast tenderness
  • headaches
  • tiredness
  • bloating
  • Weight Gain
  • Mood changes
  • Decreased Libido
  • Vaginal Discharge

Given that the above stated are just a few side effects of birth control pills, this news is a sigh of relief for women who struggle with them. Once the medicine is widely available, men can use it too.

The team of scientists hopes that they can begin human clinical trials in the second half of this year. Dr. Georg, head of the medicinal chemistry department at the university, said: “Because it can be difficult to predict if a compound that looks good in animal studies will also pan out in human trials, we’re currently exploring other compounds as well.”

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COVID-19 pandemic had hit us hard in 2020. At the time, doctors advised pregnant women to avoid the jab as they are cautious about what they recommend during pregnancy.  Over the past year, enough data has proved that pregnant women must be actively encouraged to get the vaccine as not getting it itself can put the pregnancy at risk. Some persistent claims are circulating online. The most common ones are listed below and are addressed why they are false..

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