We put in thought for almost everything around us be it our clothes, the food we eat, the makeup we buy, etc. One thing we are greatly missing out on is living a sustainable life. Following a sustainable lifestyle is not that difficult if you give it some attention. In this article, I have listed down five small changes you can make in your life, starting from today to help the environment.
1 – Wooden Tooth Brushes
Instead of utilizing 3 – 4 plastic toothbrushes every year, we can easily replace it with 1 wooden toothbrush a year. In this manner, you do not accumulate any plastic waste as far as your brushing business is concerned.
2. Reusable Bags for Grocery
Reusable bags for grocery will make such a huge difference. Many of us either buy our grocery every month or otherwise in segments throughout the month. Have you ever counted the number of bags you accumulate at the end of the month? Pretty sure the answer to that is plenty.
Instead of buying packaged goods. Go ahead and buy open lentils and grains!
3 – Save Water
We brush twice a day. Many of us have a habit of keeping the water open during the 3 minutes while we are busy brushing. Change these habits. Instead, close the tap and take your time and open it back when required.
Many people accumulate dirty clothes to save water. Once they have enough pieces for a single wash, they go ahead and wash them. Other than that, using dishwashers with not enough dishes also wastes water. Try to fill it up before you run it.
4 – Eat Less Meat
The world, as we know it right now, is struggling to meet the meat quantities required. Cattle farming is a great thread to climate change. Instead of consuming meat multiple times a day, limit it to one.
5 – Steel Straws and Water Bottles
There is no rocket science in this one! Buy a reusable water bottle instead of buying a plastic water bottle every day. For straws, steel straws are a great substitute for plastic straws.
What changes have you made in your life? Let us know in the comment section below.