Pakistani actress, Sanam Saeed‘s video taking a jab at Instagram filters is making rounds on social media. The video surfaced just after Hania Aamir’s problematic statement over colourism and accepting your true self made headlines. In the short clip, Sanam is seen using an Instagram filter which defined her jawline and contoured other areas of her face.
She said,
OMG, this is so weird, this is what my doctor did, too much here, way too much here. I don’t know what he did to my nose and like ahh what’s happening?
Fans were quick to judge that this wasn’t a random clip but it was clearly made to take a jab at Hania Aamir’s confused yet problematic statement about skin colour, accepting yourself etc. People commented that hopefully, Aamir is watching this and find her statements problematic since she herself has been under the knife quite a few times. People also commented that Aamir should only preach what she practices.
It wasn’t too late that Minhal Khan joined in the no makeup and no filter look. She captioned her image, “Pimple and summers! Also the pressure of workout, diet and whatnot. #NoFliter #Breakit #HumSeNaaHoPayeGa”
Hania Aamir Called Out for Using Insta Filters While Advising Society to Not Follow Unrealistic Beauty Standards. Read the full story here:Â
Just recently, Palwasha Yousuf posted a picture of her sister, Syra Yousuf in makeup. The picture caught public attention where fans were calling out Syra for having textured skin. In reality, this is how our skin looks after layers of makeup. It is the filters, the photoshop touchup and other things that make it look flawless. Right after the backlash, Syra was quick to take her insta stories by storm. She posted a picture of herself without makeup and filter, and said, “I really like my skin.”Â
We love how everyone is embracing their true selves behind the screen, rocking their filterless and make up less faces. We hope to see the same energy all year round. Have something to add? Let us know in the comment section below.
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