Gigi Hadid shared her love for desi masalas, including Shan on her Instagram. Her secret was revealed while she participated in the latest Instagram trend where people post a question box on their stories asking for other people to “post a picture of….”.
Funnily enough, these social media trends are addictive, and even celebs tend to join in. Today, after Kylie Jenner, and other stars, Gigi Hadid, a 25-year-old supermodel, jumped onto the bandwagon. When someone asked her to post a picture of 15/Sept, she posted a picture of her pantry full of Pakistani spices and masalas and wrote, “lol I was a psycho pregnant person.”Â
In the picture, there are massive jars of Pakistani and other spices including chilli & lemon, beef steak seasoning, cumin seeds, paprika, chilli, turmeric, garam masala, extra hot chilli, tandoori masala, and more. If you look closely, you will spot Shan kebab masala pack in the corner of the picture.
Turns out @GiGiHadid is also a fan of Shaan Masala đđ»
— Y (@yumnna) December 28, 2020
Lets wait till Shan Masala comes up with
"Gigi Didi ka bharosa sirf Shaan."#GigiHadid— Deadly Doraemon (@deadlydoraemon) December 28, 2020
Lmao so Gigi Hadid unknowingly just did marketing for Shaan Masala on her IG đ
— áá©Zá© (@razonater) December 28, 2020
shaan ka masala is the closest i can get 2 gigi hadid
— h (@f4llenalien) December 28, 2020
— dirty commie (@marxssugarbaby) December 28, 2020
It looks like Hadid was reconnecting with Zayn Maliks South Asian roots during her pregnancy. Many women crave different things during pregnancy. Some want to eat tubs of ice cream and other, whole lot of spicy food and by the looks of it, Hadid falls under the latter group.
Former band member of One Direction, Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid have been dating for the past 5 years. They have often been spotted by paparazzi on their cute dates. The couple recently (13 weeks ago) had a baby girl together.
The love I feel for this tiny human is beyond my understanding. Grateful to know her, proud to call her mine, and thankful for the life we will have together, says Zayn Malik on his Instagram
A whole new kind of busy & tired, Hadid said on her Instagram.
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